Press release(2020.09.29)

欲しい乗り物をイメージしたポーズを撮影するだけで、体格や乗り方に合ったパーソナルモビリティをデザインできる新しいpoimoをプレスリリースしました。この研究内容はHCI分野の国際会議 UIST 2020 で発表されます。

We released our new poimo, which allows users to design personal mobility tailored to their body and riding style by simply taking a picture of the riding gesture they imagine. The research will be presented at UIST 2020, an international conference in the field of HCI.

Press release: Kawahara Lab mercari JST

about poimo


poimo is a new mobility combining personal mobility and soft robotics technology, which is soft, safe, and lightweight enough for people to carry. Users can ride it on and off anywhere. This mobility aims at supporting the first mile / last mile and connecting public transportation and destinations seamlessly. To reduce the weight of its body along with its inflatable structure, we have developed a wireless / batteryless powering system suitable for this mobility in cooperation with the wireless power transfer group.




Soft & Lightweight




about us

poimoは、東京大学の川原研究室と新山研究室、そしてmercari R4Dの共同研究プロジェクトです。アカデミックなシーズ研究からその社会実装まで、様々なプロジェクトを展開しています。

poimo is a joint research project between Kawahara and Niiyama laboratories at the University of Tokyo, and mercari R4D. We are developing various projects from academic seed research to its social implementation.


  • 実用化に向けた連携・展示などに関するお問い合わせ:mercari R4D (JP)

  • 研究に関するお問い合わせ:info[at]

  • Contact regarding collaboration and exhibition for practical use: mercari R4D (EN)

  • Contact for research: info[at]